Category: KenanSoperBryant

  • 15 Year Retrospective: Holiday Humor from KSB Consulting

    For 15 years, KSB Consulting has been poking fun at the industry with a bit of holiday humor.  As seen in this retrospective of our cartoons, each one is reflective of the unique circumstances in our industry at the time it was created.  Each slide will display for 3 seconds before shifting to the next…

  • Should I Stay or Should I Go?

    If you are interested in some new ideas about this age old question – keep reading.  Steve Tappin poses some interesting questions to ask yourself if you are considering a move to a new organization.  He encourages readers to avoid the trap of making this decision primarily based on compensation and to look at company,…

  • Hiring People Smarter Than You

    I have always been a fan of Jack Welch’s business books.  Here is his POV on hiring. Hiring people smarter than you.

  • When Christmas Falls on Hump Day!

    Thank you for the support throughout the year! We couldn’t resist the hump day reference! Have a safe and happy holiday season!

  • Happiness: Moving The Average Up!

    Food for thought as we all run as fast as we can to meet our goals: Shawn Achor Ted Talk

  • Richard Branson’s Take on Hiring

    I have always been a fan of Richard Branson. Maybe it’s because I aspire to work from a hammock on my own island! Branson always has an opinion and many times it makes you step back and think. I love this take on hiring. Fit is SO important, and many times rushed and overlooked. How…

  • A Simple Way To Make An Impact

    This article reinforces a few simple ways you can make an impact on the job or at home. Words to live by! 10 Things Extraordinary People Say Every Day

  • Infusing New Ideas or Hiring Yourself?

    Sometimes, in an attempt to hire a candidate who will be a good “cultural fit” with the organization, managers make the mistake of hiring themselves.  The article below discusses why that can be a big mistake.  One reason that rang true to me is that it is important to hire people who challenge your thinking…

  • Great Question!

    The author of the attached article suggests some great questions that can help organizations determine whether a candidate is a cultural fit. Take a look! Unconventional Interview Questions

  • Limit my choices?

    Given too many choices, some companies just can’t pull the trigger on a hiring decision.   The attached article describes a company that couldn’t find a viable candidate out of 25,000 applicants, and another company that bypassed on a candidate because he didn’t have two years experience using a simple database tool he could have…