Tag: 2014

  • North Pole Adopts Bank of the Future Strategy

    Thank you for your support throughout the year. Have a safe and happy holiday season.

  • Behavior-Based Interviewing: A View from the Other Side

    Behavior-based interviewing is founded on solid research in the behavioral sciences, and its effectiveness has been validated repeatedly in a wide variety of corporate environments.  The author of the article referenced below encourages those being interviewed to prepare for interviews by identifying specific situations from their work experience that highlight the attributes and behaviors that…

  • Quantifying Achievements on your Resume

    As an executive recruiter in the financial services industry, I review many resumes.  I wholeheartedly agree with this author’s approach to quantifying achievements. Take a look.

  • Leadership Lessons On and Off The Course

    This blog post was inspired by the recent U.S. Open golf championship.  Analogies abound from the sports world to the corporate world, and I thought this one was worth sharing.  This article highlights Steve Williams, caddie to the winners of 14 major golf championships.  Click on the link below for some lessons in leadership from…

  • The Positive Aspects of Job Hoppers

    The article linked below shares an interesting perspective on candidates who have changed jobs frequently.  This perspective has some merit in our industry, especially given the staff reduction and consolidation we have seen in banking the past several years.  I often see a pattern with people who are at a particular bank for a number…

  • Should I Stay or Should I Go?

    If you are interested in some new ideas about this age old question – keep reading.  Steve Tappin poses some interesting questions to ask yourself if you are considering a move to a new organization.  He encourages readers to avoid the trap of making this decision primarily based on compensation and to look at company,…

  • Hiring People Smarter Than You

    I have always been a fan of Jack Welch’s business books.  Here is his POV on hiring. Hiring people smarter than you.