Tag: KSB Consulting

  • 2021 Holiday Humor from KSB Consulting

    Thank you for your support throughout the year.  Have a safe and happy holiday season!

  • The Interview – A View from Both Sides

    As an executive recruiter, I hear a great deal about the interview process from both sides: the candidates I have presented to clients and the clients who are interviewing the candidates.  Here is what I have gleaned from these conversations: What Candidates Say: Opportunity for growth and career development programs are a priority for both…

  • Why Are Good Younger Bankers So Hard to Find?

    I’d say that I have some version of this conversation with my clients at least once a week.  The reality is that it is getting harder and harder to meet the demand for strong bankers who have a well-rounded skillset of credit, sales, and communication, and a strong book of business.  Let’s examine why, and…

  • Creating Teams That Reflect Your Customer Base

    “Decades of filling senior roles with executives from inside the industry have dulled the skills necessary to attract, assess and successfully assimilate talent from wide-ranging industries and experiences.”  Robert Voth and Jane Bird, Co-Authors As an executive recruiter, my role is to put the most qualified set of candidates in front of my clients.  Clients…

  • Top 10 LinkedIn Tips for Banking Professionals

    As a recruiter for mid-senior level positions in the financial services industry, I spend a fair amount of time researching candidates and referral sources on LinkedIn. It is amazing to me how many banking professionals have out-of-date, inaccurate, or otherwise unprofessional LinkedIn profiles. Granted, there has been a great deal of consolidation in banking over…

  • Retaining Top Employees – Ask good questions … then listen!

    The banking industry is going through a period of significant change right now.  The last 12 months have seen increased consolidation and noticeable movement of bankers from one bank to another (a number of times in groups).  I attend a number of events every January where I see many bankers from numerous banks, and the…