Tag: hiring

  • Hiring People Smarter Than You

    I have always been a fan of Jack Welch’s business books.  Here is his POV on hiring. Hiring people smarter than you.

  • Infusing New Ideas or Hiring Yourself?

    Sometimes, in an attempt to hire a candidate who will be a good “cultural fit” with the organization, managers make the mistake of hiring themselves.  The article below discusses why that can be a big mistake.  One reason that rang true to me is that it is important to hire people who challenge your thinking…

  • Great Question!

    The author of the attached article suggests some great questions that can help organizations determine whether a candidate is a cultural fit. Take a look! Unconventional Interview Questions

  • Limit my choices?

    Given too many choices, some companies just can’t pull the trigger on a hiring decision.   The attached article describes a company that couldn’t find a viable candidate out of 25,000 applicants, and another company that bypassed on a candidate because he didn’t have two years experience using a simple database tool he could have…

  • Hiring vs. Acquiring for Growth

    Good article about hiring vs. acquiring for growth.  Our experience in the past year lines up with this article.  We have helped several clients with expansion into new markets through ‘hiring versus buying’. Click here for article.

  • There are No Shortcuts when Hiring!

    Most CEOs and business owners would agree that their most important assets are the people in their organizations – their human capital. With that said, I find it intriguing that these same executives often don’t put enough effort into the employee hiring process. I understand this – there are many competing priorities every day as…

  • KSB Announces Personality Profiling Services

    Over the past couple of years, several of my clients have expressed an interest in using personality profiling to help them select, develop, and retain the best performing employees. Personality profiling would not replace a company’s current human resources processes, but would enhance them, adding a layer of confidence to hiring decisions and proving useful…

  • Focusing on your Most Important Assets

    Most CEOs and business owners would agree that their most important assets are the people in their organizations – their human capital. With that said, I find it intriguing that these same executives often don’t put enough effort into the employee hiring process. In order to attract and retain the best employees, hiring companies need…

  • Looking Ahead to 2012 – The 5 C’s of Banking

    One of the things I enjoy most about December is that I get the time to visit as many clients as possible. It is a time to reflect on our relationship over the past year and understand priorities for the upcoming year. We also have great discussions about challenges, issues and opportunities. I was struck…

  • Evaluating Counter-Offers (and you thought the hard part was over)

    As an executive recruiter, I regularly see existing employers using counter-offers to win back an employee who has turned in his/her resignation. Of course, my client and I would prefer that the candidate take the offer, but I also have a significant responsibility to my candidate to ensure they are making the best decision for…