KSB Announces Personality Profiling Services

Over the past couple of years, several of my clients have expressed an interest in using personality profiling to help them select, develop, and retain the best performing employees. Personality profiling would not replace a company’s current human resources processes, but would enhance them, adding a layer of confidence to hiring decisions and proving useful as a tool in onboarding new employees, improving communication, growing top performers, and ultimately retaining them.

In order to meet the needs of these clients, I evaluated numerous personality profiling solutions. After discussions with providers, consultants, their customers, and a few of my own clients who currently use a personality profiling tool, I am happy to announce a solution for my clients. In affiliation with Ascend Profiles, KSB will be providing personality profiling services using the Drake P3 System.

Drake P3 is an on-line talent management system that uses an assessment instrument to help companies hire and manage people who will perform well in their job. Drake P3 reveals a person’s natural tendencies, communication styles, emotional intelligence, motivational needs, decision-making abilities, energy levels and more. Drake P3 provides fast results in a cost effective manner and can easily be used and interpreted by non-specialists. The reports are in plain English and provide practical insights that managers can understand and use immediately to impact employee performance. A web based application, Drake P3 has a straightforward and intuitive menu driven system. In addition to supporting employee selection, Drake P3 helps with employee on-boarding, team dynamics, employee performance and employee development.

Click here see the Ascend Profiles website.

Click here to view our press release.

Please let me know if you are interested in hearing more about this new venture and how personality profiling can help you to select, develop and retain top performers.