Tag: interviewing

  • The Interview – A View from Both Sides

    As an executive recruiter, I hear a great deal about the interview process from both sides: the candidates I have presented to clients and the clients who are interviewing the candidates.  Here is what I have gleaned from these conversations: What Candidates Say: Opportunity for growth and career development programs are a priority for both…

  • How To Negotiate The Salary You Deserve

    The article below encourages candidates to understand and communicate their value to a prospective employer.  This is something I frequently discuss with candidates, and an important “lens” to use from the first meeting to the final negotiation.  Understanding the value that you offer a prospective employer cannot only give you more confidence in compensation negotiations,…

  • Behavior-Based Interviewing: A View from the Other Side

    Behavior-based interviewing is founded on solid research in the behavioral sciences, and its effectiveness has been validated repeatedly in a wide variety of corporate environments.  The author of the article referenced below encourages those being interviewed to prepare for interviews by identifying specific situations from their work experience that highlight the attributes and behaviors that…

  • The Positive Aspects of Job Hoppers

    The article linked below shares an interesting perspective on candidates who have changed jobs frequently.  This perspective has some merit in our industry, especially given the staff reduction and consolidation we have seen in banking the past several years.  I often see a pattern with people who are at a particular bank for a number…

  • A Simple Way To Make An Impact

    This article reinforces a few simple ways you can make an impact on the job or at home. Words to live by! 10 Things Extraordinary People Say Every Day

  • Great Question!

    The author of the attached article suggests some great questions that can help organizations determine whether a candidate is a cultural fit. Take a look! Unconventional Interview Questions

  • There are No Shortcuts when Hiring!

    Most CEOs and business owners would agree that their most important assets are the people in their organizations – their human capital. With that said, I find it intriguing that these same executives often don’t put enough effort into the employee hiring process. I understand this – there are many competing priorities every day as…

  • Interviews a Waste of Time?

    I am not suggesting that you adopt the advice from this article verbatim, but the more you can get your interview process focused on evaluating candidates against the goals of the position and the culture of the bank, the more effective your hiring will become. Click here to see the article.

  • Hiring With Purpose Part 3: Interviewing

    The most meaningful comments I receive from candidates after an interview are when the interview was considered “tough”. It was clear that the company had a dedication to digging for and retrieving information relevant to the candidate’s ability to perform the job. It was also clear that the hiring company was prepared for the interview…

  • Hiring With Purpose Part 2: Identifying and Screening Candidates

    At this point in the hiring process, you should already have a position description with clear requirements outlined, a set of objectives for the position, and a measuring stick for screening candidates. You may have potential candidates in hand from a number of sources – an internal candidate, a referral from someone in your organization,…